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Alteration & Addition of an existing 1980s terraced property


Approx 2300 sq ft

79PZ, nestled amongst double-storied terraced properties, is a hidden yet distinctive work-live space re-imagined as an unconventional environment for its occupants.


A matt black façade contrasts starkly with béton brut elements of copings, balustrading and entrance portal. Repurposed striking blue metal grilles provide retro-styled security.


Inside, glass screens demarcate space, allowing visual transparency yet rise short of the ceilings for economical distribution of conditioned air and light. Unrendered brickwalls exude texture and colour.


On the first floor high-gloss epoxy flooring and walls create a single monolithic finish, dissolving vertical and horizontal planes. Only black ceilings visually demarcate the spaces.


Accessed via a perforated metal staircase, the mezzanine-level Library provides a sanctuary of contemplation.


An interplay of transparent screens, solid brick walls, metal frames and contrasting colours has transformed a 1980s’ terraced property into a work-live space of distinctive character, despite an overwhelming budget constraint.

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